Our team are not only experts at helping you comply with Part L of the Building Regulations but can help by drawing on their vast multidisciplinary experience of designing and delivering projects to provide integrated solutions that are commercially aware to ensure cost efficiency.
SAP calculations for domestic properties calculate how much energy your home will use, as well as the carbon dioxide emission rate.
They are a key element in the early design stage of any residential scheme, setting out the type and performance criteria for the building fabric, services, and any low-carbon / renewable technologies. Our team specialise in making the various elements work together efficiently.
Under Part L of the building regulations, new homes must have had a SAP assessment. Most developers are aware of the key content.
There are three main functions of a SAP calculation
- To evidence compliance with Part L
- To evaluate the energy performance of a dwelling, including costs. Outputted as a SAP rating.
- To generate the information required for an EPC.
Our experience includes extensions and conversions. We are accredited and registered with a certification body.
SAP Ratings
SAP ratings allow for easy comparison between homes, allowing buyers to choose based on the achieved score. The SAP rating scale runs from 1 to 100, where 100 represents no energy cost. The higher the rating, the lower the fuel bills and the lower the carbon dioxide emissions.
There are various elements input within the calculation that affect the energy costs these include the building fabric, heating system, lighting and any renewable technologies.
Do you need a SAP Calculation?
The regulations require that no property is let or even marketed for sale unless the builder can demonstrate compliance with a SAP rating calculation.
Our team are used to assisting developers and architects in creating the optimum concept design solutions during the early stages, assessing the effectiveness of the building fabric, thermal bridging, glazing, services, and any renewable technologies.
Carbon Emissions
Carbon Emissions are output by the calculation in DER / TER format. Emission levels are calculated by comparing the Target Emission Rate (TER) with the predicted Dwelling Emission Rate (DER). With the target rate following the performance of a theoretical dwelling called the ‘notional dwelling’. The ‘notional dwelling’ is the same size and shape as the actual one, with standardised properties for fabric and services.
Our team can advise on the optimal strategy for achieving Local Authority targets above and beyond compliance, providing any energy statement and report requirements with evidence for achieving policy criteria.
Fabric Energy Efficiency
In 2014, the requirement to assess the Fabric Energy Efficiency (FEE) of all new homes was brought in. The FEE is expressed as a rate measured in kWh/m2/year. It represents the energy demand due to heat loss and gain through the building fabric. A lower FEE rate indicates better fabric energy efficiency.
Our team can advise on insulation, thermal bridging, air tightness and glazing performance to achieve the best balance between performance and value.
Are SAP calculations required for Extensions?
They are normally required if your proposal includes large areas of glazing where the regulations require new glazed areas to not exceed more than 25% of the new floor area.